March 3, 2022 - 6:00 pm CET

Virtual Meetup – Jurgen Vinju


Generating interactive programming environments from language descriptions started way back in the 1980s; these ideas have survived through the times, and are now part of most language workbenches. In this talk, we show how the modern Rascal meta-programming language (also a language workbench) is used to very concisely define the syntax and the (static) semantics of DSLs, and how these Rascal programs can be hooked up (automatically) into the language server protocol to obtain a bespoke VScode extension. The open-source “rascal-language-servers” project is used for research, for teaching, and for commercial services by



Jurgen Vinju is a part-time full professor in Automated Software Analysis in Eindhoven and senior researcher at NWO-I Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam. He co-designed and implemented the Rascal metaprogramming language and its IDE generators for Eclipse and VScode. He taught Software Evolution and Software
Constructor at Universiteit van Amsterdam, also using the Rascal language. Jurgen believes that researchers who study programming should program themselves to learn what it is all about, and so almost all of his research papers are accompanied by a (prototype) software release. He is an eternal student of almost all scripting and programming languages. In 2017 he co-founded, a small company that exploits their skills in designing and implementing domain-specific languages with Rascal.


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  4. Enjoy the talk and, if you feel like, discuss further on the community forum