November 10, 2021 - 6:00 pm CET

Virtual Meetup – Katie Bell


Learning to code is a difficult task. It’s not just about building an understanding of the core concepts of programming, it requires understanding and memorising a large vocabulary of syntax, data types, and functions along with their parameters and behaviour. Visual coding languages avoid this struggle by providing a user interface where syntax errors are impossible, the available code functions are discoverable and feedback is immediate.

So, why is the majority of software still written in text-based languages? The arguments are usually that it’s faster to enter information with a keyboard, and that a visual representation can’t compete with the compact expressiveness of text.

SplootCode is an experimental visual coding editor which aims to capture the best of both worlds. Beginner developers can easily construct code without syntax errors, and new functions or language features are easily found and understood. The layout is similar to text and because it’s a direct implementation of the Python AST, it has the expressiveness and flexibility of a real-world programming language. The code structure is navigated by mouse or keyboard and new code can be generated as quickly using typing and autocomplete just like a regular IDE.

In this talk, Katie will explore the motivation for building SplootCode, the early experiments that shaped its implementation and where it’s at now.


Katie is a professional software engineer with experience across a range of roles and companies including Google, Campaign Monitor and a variety of startups. She’s also been teaching beginner programmers for more than 10 years and currently teaches career-changing software development courses for adults at General Assembly.

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  1. Register yourself to the community on theĀ Homepage
  2. You will receive a confirmation email containing all the information about joining the meeting.
  3. Add to your calendar
  4. Enjoy the talk and, if you feel like, discuss further on the community forum